Customisable cube structures
which are

cube structures
which are

A cutting edge solution
that fuses durability, eco friendliness, and
Any design is possible as we use construction cubes as the basis for any building and our highly experienced team will use the most modern and durable eco-friendly materials to give it that modern edge.
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Cheaper as compared as
to traditional homes.
Minimum of
Zencube can
withstand 70 years

Revolutionizing container homes with meticulous design, durability, sustainability, and effortless installation. A modern twist redefines your living experience

If you do need help, we have a team of experienced designers and builders that can give you options to consider and ensure you have that modern twist that will get everyone talking.
Our Designs
Our Designs
There really is no limit on what we can deliver and Zencube is fully customizable.
We offer options for finishes and upgrades, allowing you to personalize your home without disrupting the factory build process – keeping the build quick and affordable.
A Building Block
Zencube understands a building needs to feel like home. And in real estate you have very few options to make your business come alive.

The Zencube approach will ensure you have the home and business you know you always wanted. It is not restricted by space, height or width and can be kitted out to a high standard that will make you home or business the talking point in any neighbourhood.
Zencubes modular approach to design allows customers to personally design each element of the home – the exterior, the interior, the shape and layout and what energy it uses.
This ensures you have the home and business you want, with no compromises, and you will get a product that is cheaper compared to a standard home and quicker to move into.
Original design, leading
the market trend
Inudustrialized production of
the entire house has been achieved
Zencube is US company and uphold the country’s reputation for delivering the highest global manufacturing standards.
With recycled containers being the basis of its construction it is supporting the circular economy, helping to protect the planet from future global warming and not using up precious resources.
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We can store Zencubes to match a delivery time that works for you
Stress free build time on your land – it takes days and not months
There is less waste as we can plan multiple orders together
We can store Zencubes to match a delivery time that works for you
Stress free build time on your land – it takes days and not months
There is less waste as we can plan multiple orders together
Our Projects
Unit Cafe
This Californian development features 20 homes 2 bed / 2 bath that measure 1,171-square-feet which can be installed in 3 months with a 3-person crew using standard machinery.
The future Build
This Californian development features 20 homes 2 bed / 2 bath that measure 1,171-square-feet which can be installed in 3 months with a 3-person crew using standard machinery.
The future Build
This Californian development features 20 homes 2 bed / 2 bath that measure 1,171-square-feet which can be installed in 3 months with a 3-person crew using standard machinery.
What is the future
for ZenCube?
Zencube wants to establish itself as a beacon for sustainable modular design. It already has some of the largest production facilities in the state and would like to repeat this across other part of America to support the American economy in what is going to be global growth business.
Contact us
Contact us